The Apple Mac mini 'Core 2 Duo' 2 4 (Mid-2010/Aluminum Unibody) features a 2 4 GHz Intel 'Core 2 Duo' (P8600) processor, a 3 MB on-chip level 2 cache, a 1066 MHz frontside bus, 2 GB of 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM (PC3-8500) memory, a 320 GB 3 Gb/s Serial ATA hard drive, a slot-loading 8X double-layer 'SuperDrive', and a NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics.
Boot time went from 60 seconds to under 30 seconds, and applications launch instantly – no bouncing dock icon.. This makes it much, much faster Choose an SSD for your Mac Mini These SSD drives are a standard 2.
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Upgrading the boot drive on my Mac Mini to an SSD drive was by far the biggest speed enhancement I’ve experienced on any computer! The speed increase is incredible – almost hard to believe.. I’d suggest you upgrade your entire hard drive to SSD 1 Order an SSD There have been issues in the past with SSD drives and there have been some brands not working with OSX, so make sure you get a good one.. The difference is that an SSD drive uses RAM chips instead of a spinning hard disk to store information.. In terms of bang for dollar, upgrading to an SSD drive is by far the best upgrade you can do.. Just click here and you will be asked what mac you have, follow the prompts (I have signed up to be an affiliate of Macsales so I get a commission if you use these links. FontLab VI 6.0.3 6611.0 For MacOS
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Categories & Filters Store Pickup at Apple iMac, Mini & Mac Pro Apple - Mac mini Desktop - Intel Core i3 - 8GB Memory - 2TB Solid State Drive - Space Gray.. They have a screen where you choose your macintosh computer, and it tells you which SSD drive is compatible.. Ssd For Mac Mini 2010 VsSsd For Mac Mini 2010 UsbSsd In Mac Mini 2010 EinbauenThis article was originally written in 2015 but it is still relevant.. I have just updated it given that SSD prices have dropped dramatically in the last 3 years.. 99!The second place I would recommend is crucial com If you do get a Crucial SSD you can go for the MX or BX series.. The first place I would recommend is macsales com I have one of their OWC Mercury SSD drives in 2 of my laptops. 518b7cbc7d